Friday, October 31, 2014

A fanboy's review of the Moto E

Why do I like the Moto E?

And why would I recommend buying it?

Reasons are simple:

Price: I feel like this if I need to buy a phone priced at more than Rs 9,000

The Moto E costs just Rs 6999 on Flipkart

Body: The build and feel of the phone is very premium. You will feel as if you are holding a phone worth Rs 15,000

Android OS (Kitkat): Best OS ever. Intuitive and Robust. 

Updates: Just be at a place where you have Wifi Connection and enable the phone's wifi. All your applications will keep getting updated.

Gorilla Glass: This is a boon for those of us who are clumsy with our phones. The glass won't crack. Period

Check out a video review of this phone here

Two cons are that the camera sucks and it is really hard to remove the cover! :(

Thursday, October 30, 2014

3 future trends in digital marketing

Hello there!

I foresee the following trending in the Indian digital marketing industry very soon:

a) Infographics:

It is always better to show an infographic than to define one
This is an infographic:
Cool%20Infographics%2022 Cool Infographics 22


I feel companies from the BFSI industry and Real Estate industry will find infographics useful.
This is because both sell products belonging to high involvement category.

Some of the benefits of infographics are:

a) Complex pieces of information is presented in a beautiful visual manner
b) Individuals spend a lot of time on infographics
c) Infographics can be promoted through various channels
d) First mover advantage: Not many brands in India are using infographics

b) Content marketing:

Just read this to understand ROI delivered by content marketing
Everybody loves to read a story.
Make sure you write an interesting one!

c) Review Videos:

I entered a search term in the Youtube search bar: Unboxing videos flipkart
Check out the top results:

None of these videos belong to Flipkart!

Eventually many brands would want to create video content exclusively for Youtube.
Although, presently, several are advertising on Youtube.

Just imagine the response that a crackling review video can get.
Check this

2 lakh + views and increasing.
Let us assume one percent is driven to the website.
2000 visits to the website and increasing.

With expert help, a video like this can be created for Rs 30,000.

This means you are paying Rs 15 per click (on the higher side)

And this number will keep decreasing over  a period of time as people keep coming back to watch videos and the reach of a popular video keeps increasing.

Do let me know what you think!


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How to become wealthy with just Rs 5 lakhs


No, I am not referring to the song by John Lennon.

But imagine that you have Rs 5 lakhs with you and you are 30.
The date is 28th October 2004.

And suppose one of the following happens to you:

a) Prison

You are thrown in prison for 10 years.
You stay in for 10 years.

Possibly because of the following:



b) Paralysis

Not sleep paralysis:

Ever had sleep paralysis? That’s some scary shit!


But like:



c) Renunciation: You decide to renounce the world and become a holy person. You would be living on alms and doing this to pass time:


Then suddenly.
At the age of 40.
You either are released or regain your abilities or have a change of heart and want to join civilization.

So do you start from scratch?

Since you could be feeling like this:


But what if I say, you would be worth atleast Rs 1 crore 55 lakhs 70 thousand!
And earning an income of Rs 3 lakhs plus just in FY 2014-15


This is assuming you would have invested Rs 5 lakhs in ITC on 27th Oct 2004 and held onto them.
Back then the share price opened at Rs 36.27 (adjusted for splits and bonus).
The share split 10:1 and also offered bonus of 2:1 on 21st Sep 2005.
It again offered bonus of 1:1 on 3rd August 2010.

All this by just staying invested in ITC.
You wouldn't have even had to do a lot of research to know about the company.
ITC touches almost every aspect of one's life.
Advertises so much that only a most ignorant person wouldn't be aware of its existence.

This is the magic of compounding and long term investing!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

3 things to do before meeting a prospect


If you are a sales person from India, you must have spent a long weekend celebrating Diwali and avoiding injuries! :P

If you are a sales person from elsewhere and do not know about Diwali, I would urge you to read this

However, regardless of wherever you are from, but are a sales person; you must keep the following in mind before meeting a prospect:

a) Remind: Send an email/message or even call to remind the prospect about the meeting. This must be done a day in advance. There are chances that the prospect would have forgotten all about the meeting because she might be in this mood:


b) Research: Today there is no excuse for not being knowledgeable. Except lethargy! Most individuals have a profile on atleast one of these social networking sites:

And most of it is available for free. So do try to find out whether you have a common friend or is the prospect a fan of Manchester United or if the prospect had flown to Manila last week! You will be amazed to know that only a small percentages of sales people spend time researching.


c) Rehearse: Never underestimate the importance of preparation. One can either rehearse the meeting with the help of a colleague or mentally visualize the meeting. Create a list of questions that could be asked so that one can be in charge of directing the meeting rather than letting the prospect be in charge. Look at how Matthew Hayden would prepare for a match.

So Remind, Research and Rehearse!

The three Rs that should help you earn a lot of rupees!

Source: (